So, once again it’s Southrop’s birthday.
Head over to Chaos|Theory and congratulate him.
Happy birthday Southie
So, apparently today is Southrop‘s birthday.
Go to his blog and congratulate him, if he posts a post about his birthday that is :3
Now go congratulate him.
I’m here today to talk a bit about fish.
No not really, I’m here to talk a bit about a media player called “Trout”.
Trout is a lightweight media player written in AutoHotkey.
It’s described by the author as:
Which is exactly what it is, it’s simple and you can quickly add a smaller (or larger) list of songs to play in it.
As you can see it’s a quite nice GUI that both looks good and is easy to use.
Trout currently supports the following file formats: AIFF, AIF, AIFC, MP1, MP2, MP3, OGA, OGG, WAV, MO3, XM, MOD, S3M, IT, MTM, FLAC, WMA, WMP, WMV, ASF, MID, MIDI, RMI, KAR, WV, WVC, AAC, MP4, M4A, M4B, M4P, APE, AC3, SPX, TTA, OFR, MPC, ALAC. Which makes it a pretty useful player
Trout features some quite neat stuff including but not limited to:
- Ballontip on track change
- Toaster popup on track change
- Easily customized hotkeys
- Output formatting for: The title bar, the seek bar, the copy to clipboard function and last but not the least the toaster pop-up and the balloon-tip
- Last.FM support
It’s a small yet feature-filled media player 🙂
Go try it out now!